Latest releases from Schwalb Entertainment!

Forbidden Knowledge for 5th Edition

Forbidden Knowledge: A Supplement for 5th EditionWizards stand apart from other magic-users in how they acquire arcane knowledge. Rather than drawing on inborn talent or making some fell bargain with an otherworldly power, wizards discover magic through research and study. They delve into ancient tomes and riffle through crumbling scrolls, committing to memory all that they have learned. Their methods reward them with incredible versatility but also tempt them to peer into dark places, to learn and master the most secret arts, for there lies true and lasting power, even if its knowledge damns their souls.

Forbidden Knowledge adds seven new arcane traditions to the wizard class. Each tradition reflects a sinister avenue of study and research, offering ways to gain unique and terrible magic in exchange for madness, corruption, or worse. Using the options in this supplement, player characters can conjure up demons, bestow wicked curses, and reach beyond the bounds of reality to commune with the insane powers that screech and thrash in the primordial void. If you seek advantage against rivals and eldritch weapons to destroy enemies, that knowledge awaits you!

Pick up Forbidden Knowledge in PDF today at DriveThruRPG today!

The Blasphemies of Bor Bwalsch for 5th Edition

Some of the greatest and most feared figures in the history of the multiverse earned their reputations or positions by mastering the secrets of magic. From the crazed wizard who built three high towers and sealed demon lords in the dungeons below them, to the accursed mage who descended into the Abyss to confront the Queen of Dragons, to the chosen mage of the Goddess of Magic, whose influence has helped shape entire realms, these figures all command power unmatched by other mortals. Magic makes of them gods when compared to the mundane peoples. And although many such beings have earned esteem for their good works and heroic exploits, others have surrendered to their base desires and used their superhuman magical abilities for selfish ends.

The Blasphemies of Bor Bwalsch, a supplement for 5th Edition from Max Press, reveals a selection of 24 spells created by one of the multiverse’s most sinister figures. As his native realm was being swallowed in the shadow of some cosmic destroyer, he used his magic to breach the boundary between realities—and through the fissure he fled, bringing his dreadful advances in dark magic to the unsuspecting world he now calls home.

Grab a PDF today at DriveThruRPG!



Curse the Light: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Curse the Light: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon LordThe ancient enemies of the genies, foes of the faeries, and masters of dark and terrible magic, trolls changed the course of history through their efforts to triumph over their enemies, but paid the ultimate price for their success. Now a people driven into the darkness, shunned and hated, they raise their fists to the sun and hatch diabolical plots in the depths. Curse the Light reveals new details about the trolls and their loathsome kind. With this new Monstrous Pages supplement, you can make these figures a truly terrible threat in your adventures and campaigns!

Pick up Curse the Light in PDF at DriveThruRPG today!