Of Fire and Venom: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Of Fire and Venom: Monstrous PagesFew creatures evoke the fear and wonder that dragons do. Even their smaller kin, the drakes, drive people and animals alike to scatter for shelter and avoid the notice of these keen-eyed hunters of the skies. Their majesty and their inherent cruelty make dragons and drakes even larger than life in song and legend.

Tales abound of dragons’ treasures and of those brave heroes who would beard the monsters in their lairs, whether to plunder a hoard, save a captive, or put an end to the beasts’ vile depredations. Such tales paint dragons as easily defeated, but in truth they are no cringing beasts to be cornered and slain. They fight with terrifying ferocity and deadly cunning. Dragons have nothing to fear from would-be heroes—as the twisted bits of armor and weapons decorating their lairs testify.

Of Fire and Venom reveals the secrets of dragons, drakes, and similar creatures, offering new options for customization and new variants with which you can torment the player characters and frustrate their plans.

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Ghastly Gourmands: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Ghastly Gourmands: Monstrous PagesMany perils await the travelers who venture beyond the villages and towns speckling the countryside. Among the greatest and most dangerous of these are ogres. Great, lumbering brutes driven by a need to gorge themselves on living flesh and warm blood, they constantly roam, seeking to stuff their gigantic maws with any creature too slow to escape their huge grasping hands or the deadly swing of their giant spiked clubs. Gobbling down their prey, they pay little heed to whatever fur, fleece, filth, clothing, armor, or weapons their struggling victims may have. They ceaselessly want—need—only to eat. And when they have swallowed the last of their meal, they let loose a thunderous belch and move on to find another victim to devour.

In this installment of Monstrous Pages, Ghastly Gourmands examines ogres and all their awful kin. From their horrid origins to an overview of their usual haunts, you will find everything you need in these pages to make ogres a truly terrifying threat in your games. In addition, this entry also expands on ogres by providing customization options and new breeds of these gluttonous people. Read on to learn everything you never wanted to know about ogres!

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Foulest Reptiles: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Foulest Reptiles: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPGFoulest Reptiles reveals the secrets of the lizardmen, a degenerate race of reptilian humanoids that live on the edges of settled lands, and lays bare the true origins of these cruel and vicious people. Like other installments of the Monstrous Pages series, this supplement offers extensive lore about the creatures and expands on their abilities to provide you with even more customization options and variants.

In addition, Foulest Reptiles gives you rules for making unique lizardmen characters. Whether you intend to feature lizardmen as the principle villains in your adventure or you want to learn more about the world of Urth, this supplement is loaded with information for your Shadow of the Demon Lord games.

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Of Monstrous Mien: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

Of Monstrous Mien: Monstrous PagesThe misbegotten hybrids of strange unions, the results of bizarre conjurations, creatures warped through experimentation, alchemical effluvia, or the corrupting taint of the Void, monsters are often unique beings. Few monsters are members of entirely new species though some species have their origins in such beasts. Usually prone to fits of violent rage, monsters are driven by hunger, brutal instinct, and all-too-commonly pain wrought by their unnatural creation or existence. Whether found in the forsaken wilds, hidden laboratories, or areas polluted by alchemical toxins, most are thankfully solitary. Only in rare instances are several identical monsters created, those capable of fighting as a pack most likely to cooperate with each other.

Of Monstrous Mien builds on the information presented in Shadow of the Demon Lord by presenting a set of tools for customizing and building your own monsters. You will find all the basic monsters and tables to support their customization, which let you randomly determine the form and appearance of monsters, customizing the basic entries, though you can always choose results to suit your taste and needs for the story.

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Horrific Parasites: Monstrous Pages

Get Ready for Horrific Parasites!

Horrific Parasites: Monstrous PagesLurking in dark alleyways or hiding in plain sight on bustling streets, the enigmatic and damned creatures known as harvesters stalk and murder the innocent to fulfill peculiar needs. Named for their acts of killing and surgically removing organs, bones, and skin from their victims, harvesters have been horrific parasites on civilization for millennia.

Harvester bodies are literal patchworks of organs, limbs, and bones, none of which are their original parts. When an organ begins to fail, a harvester removes the damaged, diseased, or aged one, replacing it with one from a healthy “donor.” This grotesque practice grants them near immortality as they do not appear to age in any traditional sense—some harvesters are hundreds, even a thousand, years old—dying off only when they are caught and killed or when they are unable to replace a critical, failed organ.

Because harvesters never venture away from cities and towns, there is always ready supply of fresh organs from the unwitting populace. This entry in the Monstrous Pages series examines the harvesters and lays bare their secrets, revealing their origins, practices, and place in the lands of Rûl. Using the lore and rules in Horrific Parasites helps you make harvesters even more dangerous and terrifying!

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