In Desperate Measures, players discover a village that once resorted to cannibalism to survive. This haunting adventure delves into the depths of human despair and the moral dilemmas faced in extreme situations.
The Lamentable Life of Boner Garage offers a catastrophic ending for your PunkApocalyptic campaign, as the Amok invade Scrapbridge and seek to drain its citizens of brain nectar. Entertainment Entertainment2024-09-09 07:33:102024-09-15 14:13:00The Lamentable Life of Boner Garage: Mission 10 for Master Mercs Entertainment Entertainment2024-09-02 05:37:052024-08-29 17:42:03Guardians of the Cosmic Egg: Victims of the Demon Lord
Embark on a journey of discovery with Weird Ancestries, a collection of 30 ancestries ready to bring your Shadow of the Weird Wizard campaigns to life. Entertainment Entertainment2024-08-26 05:19:302024-08-25 19:28:18Weird Ancestries: A Rulebook for Shadow of the Weird Wizard Entertainment Entertainment2024-08-20 14:24:182024-08-20 14:36:21The Weird Wizard comes to China!
Desperate Measures: An Novice Quest for Weird Wizard
In Desperate Measures, players discover a village that once resorted to cannibalism to survive. This haunting adventure delves into the depths of human despair and the moral dilemmas faced in extreme situations.
The Lamentable Life of Boner Garage: Mission 10 for Master Mercs
The Lamentable Life of Boner Garage offers a catastrophic ending for your PunkApocalyptic campaign, as the Amok invade Scrapbridge and seek to drain its citizens of brain nectar.
Guardians of the Cosmic Egg: Victims of the Demon Lord
Unleash the power of the cosmic egg and rise as a formidable naga in Shadow of the Demon Lord with Guardians of the Cosmic Egg.
Weird Ancestries: A Rulebook for Shadow of the Weird Wizard
Embark on a journey of discovery with Weird Ancestries, a collection of 30 ancestries ready to bring your Shadow of the Weird Wizard campaigns to life.
The Weird Wizard comes to China!
Schwalb Entertainment, LLC, and Bard Songs have reached an agreement and Bard Songs will handle localization for Shadow of the Weird Wizard in China.