Weird Ancestries: A Rulebook for Shadow of the Weird Wizard

Embark on a journey of discovery with Weird Ancestries, a collection of 30 ancestries ready to bring your Shadow of the Weird Wizard campaigns to life.

Drink Deep from the River of My Hate

In Drink Deep from the River of My Hate, faith crumbles as mysterious villains rampage across the southern borderlands, forcing desperate people to seek salvation or new gods.

Trip the Light Fantastic: An Expert Quest for Weird Wizard

In Trip the Light Fantastic, the characters become enamored by a charming tune and find themselves caught in dance from which there might not be an escape.

Eye of the Serpent: A Weird Wizard Adventure for Expert Characters

It’s a simple job: break into the temple, find the Eye of the Serpent, and get out. A job such as this one is nothing a typical group of seasoned adventures couldn’t handle. And no one should feel guilty about robbing this temple. The cultists who worship there make people nervous, especially when their sons and daughters seem to be caught up with this new, weird religion, all swept up in the promises of false gods. In and out: what could be simpler than that?