Latest releases from Schwalb Entertainment!

Nessus: City of Decay | Lands in Shadow | Shadow of the Demon Lord RPGNessus: City of Decay

Lands in Shadow for Shadow of the Demon Lord

City of Decay details the tragedy that befell Nessus, the First City, revealing the wonders and wealth the city held before its catastrophic collapse. In these pages, you’ll find details on the city as it stands now, covering the various locations of import, along with notable peoples, adventure ideas, and more to make this strange and haunted place the perfect backdrop for your adventures and campaigns. Although many believe Nessus to be beyond hope or in its death throes, the First City has not yet surrendered to the long night.

This entry into the Lands in Shadow series offers everything you need to present the city in your Shadow of the Demon Lord games, as well as presenting several new characters, foes, and tools for building the ruins and infesting them with terrors to vex your groups. As well, City of Decay reveals details on the Order of Light, the religion from which the Cult of the New God sprang!

Grab your copy of City of Decay on DriveThruRPG today!

From Beyond This World: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord

From Beyond This World: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPGIt usually begins with random dissections of farm animals, such as pigs, cattle, and even horses. After that, the children go missing—the foolish or the unwanted, the strays and orphans who won’t be quickly missed. Soon, though, they’re found in the same condition as the mutilated livestock, precisely divided into so many oddly shaped parts, spread out and arranged in mysterious patterns, the cuts and slices impossibly neat, well beyond the skill of the finest chirurgeon in Rûl.

For those few who know the meaning behind this, the strange, bloody remains are an obvious sign: the reen have arrived, with an obsessive curiosity that drives them to brutal and horrific experimentation on the denizens of Urth.

From Beyond this World joins other installments of Monstrous Pages by revealing secrets of some of the most notorious creatures found in the world. In the following pages, the reen receive extensive treatment, details that highlight their origins, activities, and new options to make them the perfect antagonists for your Shadow of the Demon Lord adventures!

Pick up From Beyond This World in PDF from DriveThruRPG!

City of Blood: Lands in Shadow for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

City of Blood | Lands in Shadow for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPGYou hear the roar of the crowd before you can see any but the tallest towers. Closer, you see the city’s new outer walls, still half-built and swarming with workers sweating in the swampy humidity. Humans, dwarfs, orcs, and others besides, slaves and free, clamber over scaffolding as the black stone walls rise. Another cacophonous roar splits the air as you pass through the gate, its basalt exterior decorated with reliefs and statues of men and women, gladiators, spilling each other’s blood. The city is near deserted, its buildings of gloomy basalt and brilliantly painted wood and plaster facades empty except for patrolling guards and nervous would-be thieves. Everyone else, human and nonhuman, men, women, and children, are gone, gathered at the giant arena of the Crucible for the grand carnival of violence.

The distant crowd screams again. Welcome to Qif, the City of Blood.

City of Blood, the latest installment in the Land in Shadow series, lays bare the secrets of one of the most violent city-states on the continent, offering a tour through its blood-stained streets and glimpses of the daily carnage of the fighting arenas. Whether you’re coming for a visit or an extended stay, Qif is not a place for the faint of heart.

Pick up City of Blood in PDF from DriveThruRPG today!

In Pursuit of Power: Paths of Shadow for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

In Pursuit of Power offers magician’s spells much more flexibility and versatility. Now, magicians can swap out the talents they would gain from their novice path for those related to the traditions they’ve discovered.

City of Gold: Lands in Shadow

City of Gold: Lands in Shadow for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPGAll gold flows from Kem, thus giving it the name “City of Gold.” No other city—no province or even kingdom, for that matter—can claim a level of wealth comparable to that possessed by Kem, and the infamous financial power known as the Vault based there. Kem’s influence reaches everywhere, from the Crusader States bounding the Desolation in the north to the holdfasts of Blötland in the far south. The City of Gold has lifted many nations up to the heights of power, and cast down into ruins any who crossed them. And so Kem moves on the world stage with unchecked might, an economic force without rival, whose financial influence translates easily into political and even military power.

This installment of the Lands in Shadow series follows other entries that detail the Confederacy of Nine Cities. As the most powerful and influential of the great city-states, Kem’s presence and power cannot be understated, and all fear displeasing the city’s leaders, as well as the Vault, who pulls their strings, lest they court economic ruin.

Buy your copy in PDF at DriveThruRPG today!