Fine Country Folk: A Novice Adventure
Fine Country Folk: A Novice Adventure for Shadow of the Demon Lord
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Fine Country Folk: A Novice Adventure for Shadow of the Demon Lord
Schwalb Entertainment Q1 Releases We have many exciting releases for the first quarter of 2019! Adventures Call of the Necromancer The first of a trilogy of adventures unlocked in the Occult Philosophy Kickstarter campaign, this adventure for expert characters reveals the dangers of Necromancy. When a necromancer unearths a grave in a faerie mound, he […]
Call to Arms: The Warlord for 5th Edition The time for battle is now! Monsters tumble out of the dark, wicked drow hatch vile plots, demons eager to invade the Material Plane clamor at the edges of reality, and bizarre aberrations pursue mad agendas that will plunge the world and all the planes into chaos. […]