What does the Demon Lord himself listen to?
If you know me at all, you know I have a great love of metal. Even as a guy wandering around, blinking in wonder at the horrors of being 40+, I refuse to give up my music and I will listen to growls, screeches, blistering guitars, and thundering drums until Father Death comes to fetch my soul to the Underworld. A few weeks ago, I assembled a list of inspirational books, and had a few requests for my musical inspirations. I am, if anything, accommodating. The following list is metal only—death, doom, black, technical, heavy, whatever. I enjoy other music too (really, I do), but the focus here is on the hard stuff and stuff that influences me when thinking about the game. I’m only highlighting one album per artist, so if you like, explore the music. And, for Pete’s sake, support the artists.
Let’s do this:
Marrow of the Spirit by Agalloch
Tales from the Thousand Lakes by Amorphis
Slaughter the Soul by At the Gates
Bathory by Bathory
The Satanist by Behemoth
Heavy Breathing by Black Breath
Heaven & Hell by Black Sabbath
Grand Morbid Funeral by Bloodbath
Sect(s) 777 by Blut Aus Nord
Those Once Loyal by Bolt Thrower
Gin by Cobalt
Ylem by Dark Fortress
A Blaze in the Northern Sky by Darkthrone
Sunbather by Deafheaven
Human by Death
One by Demiricous
Tyranny of Souls by Bruce Dickinson
Monotheist by Celtic Frost
Last in Line by Dio
Indecent & Obscene by Dismember
Black Masses by Electric Wizard
Mafia by Fleshgod Apocalypse
Carving Out the Eyes of God by Goatwhore
Colored Sand by Gorguts
The Word, The Flesh, The Devil by In Solitude
The Infernal Storm by Incantation
Majesty and Decay by Immolation
The Number of the Beast by Iron Maiden
Das Seelenbrechen by Isahn
Screaming for Vengeance by Judas Priest
Them by King Diamond
Violent Revolution by Kreator
Southern Storm by Krisiun
The Ruiner by Made out of Babies
Wormwood by Marduk
Blood Mountain by Mastodon
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas by Mayhem
Don’t Break the Oath by Mercyful Fate
Obzen by Meshuggah
Spine of God by Monster Magnet
Blessed are the Sick by Morbid Angel
Buried in Time by Mortuary Drap
The Light at the End of the World by My Dying Bride
Monumentomb by Nominon
Cause of Death by Obituary
Cosmogenesis by Obscura
Watershed by Opeth
The Plague Within by Paradise Lost
Rage for Order by Queensrÿche
Theogonia by Rotting Christ
Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite by The Ruins of Beverast
Irreversible Decay by Saille
Passage by Samael
Einsamkeit by Semen Datura
Chaos A.D. by Sepultura
Skandinavisk Misantropi by Skitliv
South of Heaven by Slayer
Epitome of Torture by Sodom
Dark Ages by Soulfly
Monoliths & Dimensions by Sun 0)))
Apocryphon by the Sword
Blissfucker by Trap Them
Likferd by Windir
Celestial Lineage by Wolves in the Throne Rom
The Beast by Vader
A Fragile Kin by Vallenfyre
The Wild Hunt by Watain
Witchkrieg by Witchery
The Great Cessation by Yob
The Star’s Refuge: An Expert Adventure
Apocalyptic Playlist (Incomplete)
What does the Demon Lord himself listen to?
If you know me at all, you know I have a great love of metal. Even as a guy wandering around, blinking in wonder at the horrors of being 40+, I refuse to give up my music and I will listen to growls, screeches, blistering guitars, and thundering drums until Father Death comes to fetch my soul to the Underworld. A few weeks ago, I assembled a list of inspirational books, and had a few requests for my musical inspirations. I am, if anything, accommodating. The following list is metal only—death, doom, black, technical, heavy, whatever. I enjoy other music too (really, I do), but the focus here is on the hard stuff and stuff that influences me when thinking about the game. I’m only highlighting one album per artist, so if you like, explore the music. And, for Pete’s sake, support the artists.
Let’s do this:
Marrow of the Spirit by Agalloch
Tales from the Thousand Lakes by Amorphis
Slaughter the Soul by At the Gates
Bathory by Bathory
The Satanist by Behemoth
Heavy Breathing by Black Breath
Heaven & Hell by Black Sabbath
Grand Morbid Funeral by Bloodbath
Sect(s) 777 by Blut Aus Nord
Those Once Loyal by Bolt Thrower
Gin by Cobalt
Ylem by Dark Fortress
A Blaze in the Northern Sky by Darkthrone
Sunbather by Deafheaven
Human by Death
One by Demiricous
Tyranny of Souls by Bruce Dickinson
Monotheist by Celtic Frost
Last in Line by Dio
Indecent & Obscene by Dismember
Black Masses by Electric Wizard
Mafia by Fleshgod Apocalypse
Carving Out the Eyes of God by Goatwhore
Colored Sand by Gorguts
The Word, The Flesh, The Devil by In Solitude
The Infernal Storm by Incantation
Majesty and Decay by Immolation
The Number of the Beast by Iron Maiden
Das Seelenbrechen by Isahn
Screaming for Vengeance by Judas Priest
Them by King Diamond
Violent Revolution by Kreator
Southern Storm by Krisiun
The Ruiner by Made out of Babies
Wormwood by Marduk
Blood Mountain by Mastodon
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas by Mayhem
Don’t Break the Oath by Mercyful Fate
Obzen by Meshuggah
Spine of God by Monster Magnet
Blessed are the Sick by Morbid Angel
Buried in Time by Mortuary Drap
The Light at the End of the World by My Dying Bride
Monumentomb by Nominon
Cause of Death by Obituary
Cosmogenesis by Obscura
Watershed by Opeth
The Plague Within by Paradise Lost
Rage for Order by Queensrÿche
Theogonia by Rotting Christ
Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite by The Ruins of Beverast
Irreversible Decay by Saille
Passage by Samael
Einsamkeit by Semen Datura
Chaos A.D. by Sepultura
Skandinavisk Misantropi by Skitliv
South of Heaven by Slayer
Epitome of Torture by Sodom
Dark Ages by Soulfly
Monoliths & Dimensions by Sun 0)))
Apocryphon by the Sword
Blissfucker by Trap Them
Likferd by Windir
Celestial Lineage by Wolves in the Throne Rom
The Beast by Vader
A Fragile Kin by Vallenfyre
The Wild Hunt by Watain
Witchkrieg by Witchery
The Great Cessation by Yob
Gamehole Con Cancellation
It is with great regret that I have to announce I will not be attending Gamehole Con this upcoming weekend. Over the last month, a family member has been struggling with complications and after a surgery and attempts at rehab, and her situation appears to have take a turn for the worse. I was thrilled to have been invited to attend the show and had every intention of blowing minds with Shadow of the Demon Lord, but with the complications we’re facing, I have decided to stay home this weekend and support my family. I apologize for the abrupt cancellation, but life rarely cooperates. I do hope to catch you at a show sometime in the near future and hope you have a blast at Gamehole Con without me.
Unholy Champions: Monstrous Pages
Unholy Champions contains unspeakable creations of some of the “unholy champions” who pledged to my Kickstarter campaign. Each came up with the concept for a demon, decided how it came into the world, what it looks like, what it wants, and how it goes about getting it. I had a great time working with these talented and creative people, and their support for the campaign helped make Shadow of the Demon Lord possible in a huge way.
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Demon Lord Companion Preview 4: Equipment
As I was fitting content into what would be Shadow of the Demon Lord in its final form, I had to make some hard cuts, but nowhere were the cuts more painful than in the equipment chapter. I had lots of strange stuff in the original draft and I opted to hold them back so I could include more spells, more master paths, and more creatures. The Demon Lord Companion captures a lot of the great content that got left behind and adds rules for crafting and for using vehicles. So let’s take a look at some of the things you’ll find in this book.
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