Blood Will Run: An Adventure for Novice Characters

Blood will Run: An Adventure for Novice CharactersThe devils watch the mortal world from their infernal realm, always scheming to sink their claws into mortal souls, to turn people from the path of light and virtue to one of darkness and corruption. They tempt, deceive, offer unrivaled treasures and delights, and whisper terrible truths no mortal is meant to know, all to foster the evil they require to gain ownership over the souls, dragging them down into Hell’s depths where the souls face an exquisite agony only the devils can create.

Darkness has come to Cheqwood, a mere speck of a town on the edges of an enchanted wood, a place steeped in the old magic of the fey folk that now stands on the precipice of annihilation thanks to the attentions of the devils and their cruel machinations. With beastmen stalking the countryside, ghosts loosed from the Underworld to haunt the lands of the living, children mysteriously vanishing, and a curious stranger named the Bonesmith, the rising tensions might very well cause the hard-won peace of this frontier community to unravel into violence and death.

Blood Will Run is an adventure for novice characters. In it, the group becomes embroiled in a mystery involving the disappearance of twin boys and the theft of a valuable blade. The deeper the characters investigate, the more horror they uncover until they can drag the true villain into the light.

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Hunstman’s Isle: A Novice Adventure for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Hunstman's Isle: Novice Adventure for Shadow of the Demon LordIn the dimly remembered past, a ruthless group of pirates commanded a length of river for decades. They became so good at fleecing travelers and at being a law unto themselves that they eventually raised a castle on an island at the center of the river and ruled over the surrounding lands as tyrants. Over the generations, their descendants forgot their origins and came to believe they were worthy souls, born of noble blood.

The last of them was Baron Afton Stocesa. He, more than any other before him, was convinced that his aristocratic blood warranted the status and comforts his family had bestowed on him. Afton cared little for anything except hunting. He enjoyed the chase and the kill, and he especially loved witnessing the terror his quarry felt as it desperately tried to escape.

One autumn day Afton and his hounds were on the hunt when a group of brigands ambushed him. They hoped to capture him and hold him for ransom. Afton slew most of his attackers and sent the survivors fleeing, but not before he received a mortal wound. His companions returned him to his castle, where he died within a day.

Afton inspired fear in his subjects but had little talent  for instilling loyalty. So after his death, his retainers stripped the castle of everything they could carry and then abandoned the place, leaving the corpse in the bed and only a few of the baron’s most savage hounds
to guard the makeshift grave.

Afton’s frustration over his abbreviated hunt and anger at his servants stayed with him even in death, preventing his spirit from moving on. The baron remains in the world as a phantom, and a particularly nasty one at that. For decades, the spirit has plagued the river and now ranges farther and farther from the castle to antagonize the travelers on the river and the people living nearby.

The Huntsman’s Isle is a challenging adventure for novice characters. The characters complete the mission when they destroy the baron.

Buy The Huntsman’s Isle in PDF from DriveThruRPG!

A Year Without Rain: A Starting/Novice Adventure

A Year Without Rain: A Starting/Novice Adventure for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Next month, if the stars are right, Tales of the Demon Lord will creep forth from its dank cave and slither into inboxes everywhere. A full campaign and setting in a 48-page PDF, with an option to POD, Tales provides you with everything you need to take a group of characters from their common origins to the highest level in play and, with luck and sacrifice, those characters might just be able to avert the annihilation that threatens to devour the world. From encounters with hideous pig thieves, gigantic machine men with arm cannon, cultists, and demons loosed from the Void, the characters, if they would survive, must be hardy of body and firm of mind. Interested? Well, read on and I’ll tell you more about it.


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