Latest releases from Schwalb Entertainment!

Flesh of the Fallen: Poisoned Pages

Flesh of the Fallen: Poisoned PagesFlesh of the Fallen: Poisoned Pages

Despite cultural objections, despite the prohibition by the old gods, despite the tugs of conscience one might feel in eating another person, there have always been those who indulge in this terrible taboo. This Poisoned Pages installment reveals the risks one faces by indulging in cannibalism in the ghoul ancestry. Supporting this horrid choice are two expert paths. While well suited to ghouls, any character with an interest in stealing the strength of the creatures they slay might benefit from becoming a consumer or collector.

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The Demon’s Wet Nurse: A Novice Adventure for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Demon's Wet Nurse: Novice AdventureEvil is at its most insidious when it hides behind a veil of familiarity and innocence. There, wickedness is the most difficult to recognize and, more importantly, fight. We cannot bring ourselves to identify rot and decay in something we already know and love. Even when we do, we fear that the thing we love might not survive the necessary act of purification. So we must decide the result we want more—to destroy evil or to preserve what we love, because sometimes you cannot have both.

The Demon’s Wet Nurse is an adventure for a group of novice characters who find themselves caught in a net of a cult’s plot to wreak havoc and, in so doing, loose a hideous demon into the world. During the adventure, the characters explore the community and deal with the locals to gather the clues they need to fi nd the source of the threat. The characters complete the adventure when they confront the unhinged cult leader and put a stop to her foul plan before it’s too late.

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Exquisite Agony: Sourcebook for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

Exquisite Agony: Sourcebook for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPGFrom pulpits and street corners, doomsday preachers shriek about the horrors awaiting those who walk in darkness. The druids, roaming the lands under their protection, whisper prayers to the Fair Folk to keep the dark ones at bay. Even the witches use symbols to ward against the attention of the malevolent spirits, those fallen faeries known as devils.

Every religion, large and small, claims there exists a place of punishment, a great repository where the souls of the damned face suffering beyond description at the hands of fiendish tormentors. This place has many names, such as the Darkness Below, the Nether World, the City of Graves, or Torment, but most know this place as Hell.

Hell would not exist without mortals. It is a place of purification, where souls stained by evil can find release from their burdens through the cruel ministrations of the warped faeries living there. The process of purification does not come easily but involves extraordinary pain; thus, the devils have amassed a wide range of torture techniques for this purpose.

Hell is also the staging ground for the devils’ efforts to corrupt souls in the mortal world. In this place sustained by great magic, devils can draw power to tempt mortals, to bestow on them wondrous gifts in exchange for ownership over their souls. Devils find mortals’ rapid descent into darkness hilarious—even more so when it hurts other people. However, as much as they enjoy ruining mortals’ lives, devils depend on them for survival. Should mortals ever pass from the world, so too would the devils. For this reason, devils have a keen interest in the present troubles blighting Urth. The Demon Lord’s shadow reaches even into the bowels of Hell, and its denizens stand ready to contribute to the struggle to save the world.

Exquisite Agony lays bare the secrets of Hell and its inhabitants, offering GMs new inspiration for creating adventures and campaigns that explore themes of corruption and redemption, take groups into the depths of darkness, or test the player characters’ ability to resist the power Hell offers. As with other sourcebooks, you’ll find a mix of story and mechanics to support these goals. Players can also find more options at the end of this supplement, including a new ancestry, a selection of new paths, and new spells.

Since the material in this book injects a heavy dose of evil into the game, it might not be appropriate for all groups. Be sure to consider carefully before you introduce these options into your game.

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