Latest releases from Schwalb Entertainment!

Lords of the Barrows: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Lords of the Barrows: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPGThough the First People have vanished from the face of Rûl, their monuments remain. From the Northern Reach to the tangled woodlands of Balgrendia, one can find weathered monoliths scrawled with runes, standing stones arranged in circles, and other ancient markers that hint at the societies that once thrived in these lands. But the darkest and most sinister of these edifices are undoubtedly the barrows, for under these grassy hills sleep the dead. Although these tombs promise riches and relics, they also threaten death, for the dead lie in restless slumber and any intrusion can call their souls back from the Underworld to vex the living in bodies rotted and wrecked. And once roused, these barrow wights remain, eager to punish the living for the crimes of their ancestors.

Lords of the Barrows joins other installments of the Monstrous Pages series and examines the undead most often associated with the First People: the barrow wights and their many horrid minions. In the following pages, you’ll find details on these creatures, their legions, and their lairs. Armed with this resource, Game Masters have everything they need to bring ancient evils to the fore in their games.

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A Land Divided: Lands in Shadow for Shadow of the Demon Lord

A Land Divided: Lands in Shadow for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

You asked for it and now you have it!

We’re proud to announce that A Land Divided is now available in print exclusively from DriveThruRPG!

Long before the Empire, created by the Kalasans after they stormed Rûl and wrested it from the clutches of the dread Witch-King, whose wicked legions had overwhelmed and plunged the continent into darkness, an ancient people known as the Edene ruled over the land. Like the Kalasans so many centuries after them, the Edene were also bold conquerors who arrived on the shores of the continent, fleeing the destruction of their homeland far across the Auroral Ocean, They arrived in Rûl, handily defeating the First People and their faerie allies who had called the continent home for centuries, and founded a new civilization in the ruins of the one that came before. The Edene claimed their empire would last a thousand years, but like so many fledgling empires since the dawn of time who believed the same, the Edene themselves were drowned in the ebbing and flowing tides of history, yet another civilization of grand ambition lost and mostly forgotten.

Ruins and remnants of the ancient Edene still litter the lands of Rûl. One can find their works across much of the Empire, from crumbling castles jutting up from the high hills of the Holy Kingdom, to broken statues and indecipherable cenotaphs scattered about the countryside surrounding Caecras.

A revealing glimpse into this civilization can be obtained more easily that one might think simply by traveling east to the newly independent kingdom that calls itself Old Edene. This entry into the Lands of Shadow series explores this kingdom, built in no small part upon the values, traditions, and cultural artifacts of the Edene civilization that once existed before it was nearly wiped out by the Witch-King. Here you will find information about the history, peoples, and major figures of contemporary Old Edene to help you explore these lands in your own Shadow of the Demon Lord campaign.

Grab a copy of A Land Divided from DriveThruRPG!

A print edition is coming soon!

Kingdom of God: Lands in Shadow for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

You asked for it and now you have it!

We’re proud to announce that Kingdom of God for Shadow of the Demon Lord is now available in print exclusively from DriveThruRPG!

As the Empire crumbles, cultists emerge from the shadows to work their wickedness in plain view, the undead armies in the Desolation gather strength and numbers, and signs of the coming doom become more widespread. In these troubled times, all eyes look to the Holy Kingdom for salvation.

This holy land has been the spiritual heart of the Empire for centuries, shining like a beacon through the gathering darkness. Surely, of all places on Rûl, the Holy Kingdom should be the best hope for the future against the apocalyptic times being foretold in by the troubles besetting the land. Surely, the Holy Kingdom will rise to the challenge and gather to its banners the other provinces to crush the orc uprising and restore order to the land. Or will it?

Kingdom of God reveals the details of one of the Empire’s most important provinces, offering a look at its history, lands, and people. In addition, this entry in the Lands in Shadow series offers a selection of new paths for characters, whether in service to the New God or in opposition to the cult.

Buy Kingdom of God in PDF on DriveThruRPG!

Now available in print exclusively on DriveThruRPG


Bred for Battle: Paths of Shadow for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Bred for Battle builds on the warrior novice path presented in the main rulebook by providing new customization options for combat-focused characters.

False Lives: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord

False Lives: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon LordIn the years leading up to the orc uprising, the Empire saw incredible innovation, as constructs and other mechanical beings emerged. Although their creation was prohibitively expensive for large-scale manufacturing, wealthy individuals could commission such wondrous devices to toil in mines, haul cargo off and onto ships, and perform whatever other labors they commanded. In Lij, clockworks joined the ranks of other mechanical beings, but rather than be powered by magic or engineering, they derived mobility from souls anchored to their unliving components.

Although some believe these marvels to be recent developments, the methods of their creation can be traced back to antiquity, to the time of the Edene and older, lesser-known peoples before them. The dreaded prometheans and the unstoppable golems embody such ancient artifice. And though the means to produce such entities lies far beyond the abilities of most magicians, the mighty spells remain hidden in old tomes and in the notes of the legendary scholars of magic who pioneered their creation.

False Lives joins the other entries in the Monstrous Pages series, examining beings created by magic and imbued with sentience. Here you’ll find new lore and variants for clockworks, golems, prometheans, and other constructs for use in Shadow of the Demon Lord.

Buy False Lives from DriveThruRPG today!