Entries by Schwalb Entertainment


Kingdom of Sails: Lands in Shadow

Kingdom of Sails: Lands in Shadow Five days sailing east of the Northern Reach’s city of Gateway, if the wind favors you, there rises the first of a series of sixteen islands arrayed over the Auroral Ocean in a massive crescent that stretches southwards over hundreds of miles. The cultures across the islands are diverse, yet they all regard themselves […]


Freeholds of Nar: Lands in Shadow

Freeholds of Nar: Lands in Shadow On the Empire’s northeastern edge, perched on the giant rocks that tumbled down into the swirling waters of the Auroral Ocean can be found the Freeholds of Nar. Once a string of fortresses belonging to the doughty dwarfs who mined, prying gold and jewel from the stone’s tight grip. […]