Spell Cards of the Demon Lord!
If you play a user of magic in Shadow of the Demon Lord or run the game using creatures with several spells on hand, it can sometimes be tricky keeping all the spell effects straight, especially when you need to bounce between two or three traditions. Now, I am proud to present spell cards for Shadow of the Demon Lord! Each card tells you what happens and what you need to do to cast the spell or, for the rare long spell, where to find additional information.

As the Shadow of the Demon Lord role playing game rulebook contains over 300 spells by itself, we’re selling the cards in tradition packs, both as PDF (for .50) and as physical cards (for 1.99 to 2.49, which also includes the PDF). The traditions from Demon Lord’s Companion follow the same model, while all the spell presented in Tombs of the Desolation are available as a single pack. Best of all, if you want all the cards in the set, we’re offering bundle deals. You can all the printed cards from the core set for $51.70 (a savings of $9.29) and all the printed cards from the Demon Lord’s Companion for $12.23 (a savings of $2.20). In other words, if you get the core printed bundle, you’re getting four decks free, and one deck free if you get the Demon Lord’s Companion Spell Cards bundle.

These spell cards are available only at drivethrurpg.com and you can grab the card sets by clicking through the following links:

Core Bundle
Demon Lord Companion Bundle
Water Spells
Air Spells
Hunger in the Void Spell Cards
As I release new supplements, we’ll add decks to the spell cards.
Final Note: If you’re looking for hardcopies of Shadow of the Demon Lord supplements, they are also available for sale at DriveThruRPG.
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Spell Cards Now Available!
Spell Cards of the Demon Lord!
If you play a user of magic in Shadow of the Demon Lord or run the game using creatures with several spells on hand, it can sometimes be tricky keeping all the spell effects straight, especially when you need to bounce between two or three traditions. Now, I am proud to present spell cards for Shadow of the Demon Lord! Each card tells you what happens and what you need to do to cast the spell or, for the rare long spell, where to find additional information.
As the Shadow of the Demon Lord role playing game rulebook contains over 300 spells by itself, we’re selling the cards in tradition packs, both as PDF (for .50) and as physical cards (for 1.99 to 2.49, which also includes the PDF). The traditions from Demon Lord’s Companion follow the same model, while all the spell presented in Tombs of the Desolation are available as a single pack. Best of all, if you want all the cards in the set, we’re offering bundle deals. You can all the printed cards from the core set for $51.70 (a savings of $9.29) and all the printed cards from the Demon Lord’s Companion for $12.23 (a savings of $2.20). In other words, if you get the core printed bundle, you’re getting four decks free, and one deck free if you get the Demon Lord’s Companion Spell Cards bundle.
These spell cards are available only at drivethrurpg.com and you can grab the card sets by clicking through the following links:
Core Bundle
Demon Lord Companion Bundle
Water Spells
Air Spells
Hunger in the Void Spell Cards
As I release new supplements, we’ll add decks to the spell cards.
Final Note: If you’re looking for hardcopies of Shadow of the Demon Lord supplements, they are also available for sale at DriveThruRPG.
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FAQ: Spells and Traditions