In Desperate Measures, players discover a village that once resorted to cannibalism to survive. This haunting adventure delves into the depths of human despair and the moral dilemmas faced in extreme situations.
Embark on a journey of discovery with Weird Ancestries, a collection of 30 ancestries ready to bring your Shadow of the Weird Wizard campaigns to life.
A series of unexplained deaths has shaken the town of Beggar’s Creek. In Haunting of Beggar’s Creek, players investigate the supernatural threat and confront the evil that haunts the land.
In Drink Deep from the River of My Hate, faith crumbles as mysterious villains rampage across the southern borderlands, forcing desperate people to seek salvation or new gods.
In Trip the Light Fantastic, the characters become enamored by a charming tune and find themselves caught in dance from which there might not be an escape.