Latest releases from Schwalb Entertainment!

Slaves in Death: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

Slaves in Death: Monstrous PagesOne of the most feared and hated traditions of magic is Necromancy, for it exists in flagrant opposition to the wheel of life, allowing the living to refuse Father Death’s call and remain in the world long after the body has failed. The undead of Urth trace their origins to this sordid art, many standing as examples of misguided and botched experiments to bind the soul to the world. In many cases, the efforts simply failed, and the magic used functioned instead as an animating force, power that imbued cold flesh with mobility and made these rotting puppets subject to their caster’s will. While more powerful magic came of these initial efforts, many necromancers still rely on these crude spells to create servants, soldiers, or even disturbingly, lovers.

Slaves in Death, an entry in the Monstrous Pages series, sheds light on the secrets of animated corpses, the basest foot soldiers in the armies of the dead. Not only is there more information on how they come into being and the role they play, several variations are included to expand their presence and utility in the game. As well, an assortment of Necromancy spells supplements those in the main rulebook so players can take full advantage of the information contained herein.

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Kingdom of Sails: Lands in Shadow

Kingdom of Sails: Lands in ShadowFive days sailing east of the Northern Reach’s city of Gateway, if the wind favors you, there rises the first of a series of sixteen islands arrayed over the Auroral Ocean in a massive crescent that stretches southwards over hundreds of miles. The cultures across the islands are diverse, yet they all regard themselves as one people, the Tide Born, and owe allegiance to a single nation: the Kingdom of Sails.

This entry into the Lands in Shadow series reveals details about the Kingdom of Sails, one of the nations that managed to resist falling under the Empire’s influence. The details are meant to be a starting point for campaigns set on the edges of Rûl, offering you information to spark your imagination and ignite your creative fires. You can use the material as written or adapt it in any way you choose to make it fit the stories you want to tell.

Pick up Kingdom of Sails as a PDF from DriveThruRPG!

Vine and Willow: Poisoned Pages

Vine and Willow have lost track of just how old they are; their creator built them during the Empire’s heyday and set them to work in Rûl’s forests, cutting timber and clearing land for settlement.

Freeholds of Nar: Lands in Shadow

Freeholds of Nar: Lands in ShadowOn the Empire’s northeastern edge, perched on the giant rocks that tumbled down into the swirling waters of the Auroral Ocean can be found the Freeholds of Nar. Once a string of fortresses belonging to the doughty dwarfs who mined, prying gold and jewel from the stone’s tight grip. The wealth unearthed and the skill of the artisans established the holds as a place of wonder and riches, a reputation that lasted until, one day, the ring of hammering went silent, the light of torches guttered out, and the dwarfs who had made the place their home disappeared.

Today, the Freeholds of Nar is a stark place of stubborn people. Founded by the desperate on the bones of the dead, each generation fears this year will be the year the Empire comes to bring them back under the lash. That fear has made them strong, but has also eaten at their minds and hearts. The Lands in Shadow series takes a closer look at the most important places on the continent of Rûl to give you what you need to explore these fantastical and often terrifying locations.

Buy Freeholds of Nar in PDF from DriveThruRPG today!