Latest releases from Schwalb Entertainment!

Of Fire and Venom: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Of Fire and Venom: Monstrous PagesFew creatures evoke the fear and wonder that dragons do. Even their smaller kin, the drakes, drive people and animals alike to scatter for shelter and avoid the notice of these keen-eyed hunters of the skies. Their majesty and their inherent cruelty make dragons and drakes even larger than life in song and legend.

Tales abound of dragons’ treasures and of those brave heroes who would beard the monsters in their lairs, whether to plunder a hoard, save a captive, or put an end to the beasts’ vile depredations. Such tales paint dragons as easily defeated, but in truth they are no cringing beasts to be cornered and slain. They fight with terrifying ferocity and deadly cunning. Dragons have nothing to fear from would-be heroes—as the twisted bits of armor and weapons decorating their lairs testify.

Of Fire and Venom reveals the secrets of dragons, drakes, and similar creatures, offering new options for customization and new variants with which you can torment the player characters and frustrate their plans.

Buy Of Fire and Venom as a PDF from DriveThruRPG!

Insupposable Instruments: Poisoned Pages

Insupposable Instruments catalogs a host of new items to add to your Shadow of the Demon Lord game.

If you have not yet explored the madness and horror that is Shadow of the Demon Lord, there is no better time than no to jump in. You can get four key titles for under $14 (!), but more importantly, you can help save our little planet from the Demon Lord’s shadow. Ten percent of your payment (after payment fees) goes to the Wildlife Conservation Society. Yep! You can fight demons and help protect all kinds of cool critters. So, if you’ve been on the fence or know someone who would love this game, check out what you get at the Bundle of Holding!

Paths of Battle for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

Finally, Paths of Battle introduces the knight, a brand new path for characters devoted to protecting the innocent and championing noble causes as the Shadow looms ever larger. Do you have what it takes to fight the Demon Lord with cold steel and gritty determination?

Death in Freeport: An Advenuture for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Death in Freeport: A Classic Freeport Novice Adventure for Shadow of the Demon Lord