Latest releases from Schwalb Entertainment!

Demon Lord’s Companion 2: A Sourcebook for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

Demon Lord's Companion 2 for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

When compiling Demon Lord’s Companion, I relied mainly on concepts and mechanics left over from the Shadow of the Demon Lord original design. When I ended up with an overabundance of content, it became difficult to decide what would stay in Shadow and what would be held back for future supplements. A great deal of that material went into DLC, while other pieces wound up in Poisoned Pages supplements and sourcebooks such as Exquisite Agony, A Glorious Death, and Terrible Beauty.

Now, a bit over two years and over one hundred products later, my folders containing notes and bits left over from previous designs have grown empty. Rather than despair at such a situation, I took the opportunity to push the game in new directions. I looked for gaps in what we’ve released so far, scoured my shelves for inspiration, and hatched all kinds of oddities while holing up in my favorite bar to come up with an exciting selection of options for players.
One of the best ways to expand the game is through ancestries, since these options can mesh with just about everything else. Therefore, this book gives you six, each a hidden people who have largely steered clear of the major events unfolding in the world. Their scarcity and unusual nature make them quite exotic, and playing these ancestries can reward you with awesome options while challenging your roleplaying abilities.

Supporting the ancestries is a group theme mechanic to reflect the circumstances that hold a group of player characters together and rules to differentiate each group from the others.

As you might expect, this book also provides a selection of paths to cover some underused areas of character creation and development, while also supporting the new spells at the end of this book—all associated with the new traditions of Invocation, Metal, Order, and Soul. So, from invokers to sleuths, fencers to auspexes, your characters have an awesome set of new options to explore.

Demon Lord’s Companion 2 aims to help you tell stories by highlighting peoples of all kinds who find themselves engaged in the struggle to save the world from annihilation. With this book, you can create unique characters, pursue mastery of new and esoteric forms of magic, or hone your talents in new and awesome ways. This book ensures that you never run out of interesting choices to make as you battle the darkness of the Void.

Buy Demon Lord’s Companion 2 on DriveThruRPG!

Caecras: A Lands in Shadow Entry for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Caecras: Lands in ShadowFor over eight hundred years, the Empire has dominated the lands of Rûl. A vast realm of incredible wealth and military might, it grew by conquest, annexing nation after nation, until it stretched from the Desolation in the north to the edge of the frozen wastes in the south, and from the feet of the Shield Mountains in the west to the shores of the Auroral Ocean in the east.

Rising from the ruins of the kingdoms it conquered, the Empire became the mightiest nation in all of Rûl, a power whose fall was inconceivable. But fallen it has as the capital city of Caecras drowns in the blood of the orc uprising, and many of its provinces are breaking away. A shadow now creeps across the land, the drums of war are sounding, and chaos and uncertainty spread like wildfire across the continent.

This entry in the Lands in Shadow series details Caecras (KAY-cress), the crumbling heart of the Empire. In the following pages, you will read about its history and geography, as well as the portraits of important personages. You will also find statistics for common characters, and several new options for player characters. With Caecras, you have everything you need to explore the ruined capital, and make it the centerpiece of your Shadow of the Demon Lord campaign.

Buy Caecras from DriveThruRPG today!

The Grand Duchy: Lands in Shadow for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Grand Duchy: Lands in Shadow for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPGAn ancient land, both prosperous and regressive, nestles against the Shield Mountains to the west and the shattered remains of the Empire to the east. A collection of small fiefdoms, long set in their ways and suspicious of change, the Grand Duchy of the West has long been considered a backwards, rustic, and ignorant place. Serfs toil in the fields and mines, hunt and grow rice in the dangerous, brackish marshes, and spend their lives never looking beyond their ruling lord’s border or dreaming of anything better than their lot.

Lead by a feeble Grand Duke with few ambitions and even fewer ideas, Westers live in a self-induced blindness to the dangers of the outside world or the seeping, insidious corruption that infects the very land. With the remains of the Empire in turmoil, The Grand Duchy sits back to relish days of old that never truly existed. It is a land ripe for unforeseen shock and upheaval.

Buy The Grand Duchy from DriveThruRPG today!

Wee Folk: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Wee Folk: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon LordFaeries come in all shapes and sizes, with dispositions that cover the spectrum from friendly to malicious. Best known are the dreaded hags nursing their spite and bitterness in seclusion, the magnificent lords and ladies of the hidden kingdoms, and cruel harpies and dreaded sirens who lure people to their dooms, but their ranks also include a raft of lesser beings of wildly varied form and capability. These minor faeries, sometimes called wee folk, might lend aid to mortals, performing chores and easing suffering in exchange for small gifts and favors. Others are as cruel and malicious as the wickedest devil, and take special pleasure in tormenting the hated mortals on the edges of settled lands. Who can know the minds of these immortals and the whys and hows behind what they do?

Wee Folk examines an assortment of minor faeries found in the hidden kingdoms and the mortal world to shed light on their strangeness, danger, and unpredictability. This supplement also revisits several faeries described in Shadow and other sourcebooks.

Buy Wee Folk from DriveThruRPG today!