The once friendly blacksmith has contracted a magical plague that turns people into orcs. He has infected several villagers and time is running out to save them. The culprit is Bung, a goblin who seeks to drive out the villagers and unleash the orc plague upon them. Can you uncover the source of the plague and defeat Bung before the village is overrun?
Latest releases from Schwalb Entertainment!
Uncomfortably Close Encounters unleashes a wacky sci-fi mission for veterans: fight alien invaders with anal probes in a post-apocalyptic world in PunkApocalyptic: The RPG
Northern Reach, Part 4 continues the tour through the Empire’s last province by revealing details about Sixton. In this gazetteer, you’ll find an overview of the city, its history, key figures, and a look at developments that could shape the city’s future. Whether you intend to use this product for a single adventure or as the backdrop for an entire campaign, this detailed look at the Northern Reach is sure to breathe new life into the stories you tell on the edge of the Empire.
You Shall Not Take These Noble Souls picks up a few months after the events described in Falling Tears. As part of the Return of the Witch-King campaign, these adventures describe a possible story of what happens when the most infamous villain in Rûl’s history comes back and how this return reshapes the world. Although intended as part of a campaign, you can ignore the ties to the campaign and run this adventure on its own or as part of a different campaign with a bit of adjustment. In any event, the adventure works best for three to five characters.
Paths of Honour presents new options for players who believe in the Viking maxim: “It is better to stand and fight. If you run, you’ll only die tired”. Here the focus is on mad, bad and dangerous-to-know: driven heroes for whom living a long, prosperous life is pointless if they don’t build a reputation in the process.