Wicked Cults: Heirs of Eremea

A Blackstar supplement, the first of a series detailing cults and secret societies for use with Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

Wicked Cults: Heirs of Eremea

Heirs of Eremea: A Resurgent Threat

The instability caused by a crumbling Empire enables fringe religions, dubious ideas, and strangeness to thrive. An old religion has resurfaced in Old Edene, and the faith has shown itself hostile to the Cult of the New God and anyone in the province its people decide don’t belong. This surging faith’s political ambitions threaten to destabilize the entire region. These so-called Heirs of Eremea look backwards to a time that never was to shape the present in its distorted image.

Heirs of Eremea kicks off the first in a series of 13 cults and secret societies in Shadow of the Demon Lord’s game setting. These nefarious organizations exist to further their own ends and thus might become bitter foes or valued allies. The Heirs of Eremea seek freedom from tyranny, another way to live, and resurrection of their lost culture, heedless of the price such efforts might cost them.

This supplement for the BlackStar line (originally to be published by Here There Be Dragons Games) references material presented in A Land Divided, Beyond the World’s Edge, Demon Lord’s Companion, and Occult Philosophy, though you do not need to have them to make use of this product.