Entries by Schwalb Entertainment


Odd Monsters: Monstrous Pages

Odd Monsters: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord Monsters abound in the lands of Rûl, from horrid, spiderlike lash crawlers to ferocious dragons, and everything and anything in between. Monsters encompass a wide range of creatures, but their inability to fit within the natural order and their strange capabilities unite them as a single kind. Most monsters are unique creatures, […]


City of Death: Lands in Shadow

City of Death: Lands in Shadow On a peninsula that juts out into the Crescent Bay stands the northernmost member of the Confederacy of Nine Cities, Azūl, the City of Death. Steeped in dark tales, Azūl is a place few dare seek out let alone explore and earned its sinister reputation from its founder, the […]


A Glorious Death: Sourcebook

A Glorious Death: A Sourcebook for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG For centuries, jotun raiders sailed up and down the Empire’s coastlines in their longships, sacking towns and villages as far away as the eastern shores of the Northern Reach. Each raid carried off gold and plunder, slaves and magic to fill the vaults […]


Slaves in Death: Monstrous Pages

Slaves in Death: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG One of the most feared and hated traditions of magic is Necromancy, for it exists in flagrant opposition to the wheel of life, allowing the living to refuse Father Death’s call and remain in the world long after the body has failed. The […]