From the start, I wanted to make it easy to use enemies in combat, while providing interesting options to make battle scenes more memorable. Some enemies might be fought in numbers, such as the green gorger, or fought alone, such as the dragon that appears after.
An Interview with When the Wolf Comes RPG Creator Ian Stuart Sharpe
I recently announced that author & creator Ian Stuart Sharpe was bringing When the Wolf Comes to Schwalb Entertainment, a fresh sci-fi spin on the Shadow of the Demon Lord rules. I took the time out of Weird Wizard editing this week to sit down with Ian and dig into his what-if-the-Vikings-had-conquered-the-world setting: the Vikingverse.
Burning Sensation: Mission 3 for Expert Mercs
Burning Sensation is a mission for Expert Mercs in the Tales of Murder and Mayhem campaign for PunkApocalyptic: The RPG.
Punched in the Junk: Mission 2 for Novice Mercs
Schwalb Entertainment announces When the Wolf Comes, a Norse-themed RPG with a Sci-Fi twist
Enemies in Weird Wizard
From the start, I wanted to make it easy to use enemies in combat, while providing interesting options to make battle scenes more memorable. Some enemies might be fought in numbers, such as the green gorger, or fought alone, such as the dragon that appears after.