Latest releases from Schwalb Entertainment!

Malicious Mischief: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Malicious Mischief: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPGScholars point those curious about the faeries and their ilk to old tomes whose parchment pages hold ancient stories and legends, but the best source of knowledge is the folklore hiding in plain sight. The weary midwife who mops away the tears after losing another beautiful babe to the Goblin King, the portly farmer who scratches his head in wonder over his singing swine, and the stable-boy who keeps an iron nail over his heart lest the pooka get him again—such commoners brim with tales, gossip, and first-hand accounts of the Fair Folk, for they’re the most likely to run across such beings in their day-to-day lives. As outlandish and strange as their customs might be, a traveler would always do well to listen and learn, for the faeries are a tricksy breed, filled with malicious mischief.

In Malicious Mischief, three new darkly humorous faeries join the ranks of the fey folk in this installment of Monstrous Pages. You’ll find everything you need to know to introduce welterkin, menhyads, and perookas into your games.

Buy the PDF today on DriveThruRPG!

City of Thieves: Lands in Shadow for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

City of Thieves: Lands in Shadow for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPGAlong the southernmost reach of the Crescent Bay, a jumbled city covers a narrow, jagged peninsula, like a scab that just won’t heal right. The city of Pruul was once a shining jewel with great wealth, power, and influence that equaled or even exceeded the other cities of the Confederacy of the Nine, of which it is a member. But the city’s relentless greed and avarice caused it to tear itself apart, as a tiny minority of rich got richer, and the massive majority of the poor got poorer. In the aftermath of bloody riots that brought down the city’s ruling elite, criminals and other unsavory elements filled the power vacuum as the only form of stability and order. Although a hollow shell of its former glory, Pruul, now known as the City of Thieves, serves as a hub for rogues, pirates, brigands, escaped slaves, debtors fleeing their debts, and a variety of other misfits and miscreants.

This installment of the Lands in Shadow series provides a lawless place with its own dangerous and obscure rules—a city where anyone with sharp wits and a sharper knife can carve out their own destiny. As with the other installments in this series, the information presented here serves as a starting point for bringing the city to life in your game. The details provided are intended to spark your imagination for customizing the setting to your liking, and you should certainly change anything you see fit in order to make it your own.

Buy City of Thieves in PDF on DriveThruRPG today!

Called to Serve: Paths of Power for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

Called to Serve explores the priest path in depth, offering guidance for why one might follow this path and the role one might play serving the gods.

Fires Hunger: A Guide Novice Adventure

Fires Hunger: An Audio-Guided Adventure for Novice Characters