Author Archive for: AmazonDemon
About Schwalb Entertainment
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But we are proud to say that Schwalb Entertainment contributed 270 entries already.
Entries by Schwalb Entertainment
The Demon’s Wet Nurse: A Novice Adventure
The Demon’s Wet Nurse: A Novice Adventure for Shadow of the Demon Lord Evil is at its most insidious when it hides behind a veil of familiarity and innocence. There, wickedness is the most difficult to recognize and, more importantly, fight. We cannot bring ourselves to identify rot and decay in something we already know and love. Even when we do, […]
Exquisite Agony: Sourcebook
Exquisite Agony: Sourcebook for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG From pulpits and street corners, doomsday preachers shriek about the horrors awaiting those who walk in darkness. The druids, roaming the lands under their protection, whisper prayers to the Fair Folk to keep the dark ones at bay. Even the witches use symbols to ward against the attention of the […]
The Power in a Name: Poisoned Pages
Although well hidden, the existence and power of true names have not been forgotten, and no small eff ort has been made to uncover them as a result. Discovering a true name is no small feat.