Terror in Freeport

A Classic Freeport Expert Adventure for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Terror in Freeport: Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

Terror in Freeport: A Classic Freeport Adventure for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Terror in Freeport leads the group deeper into the intrigue first glimpsed in Death in Freeport. The investigation takes the characters from the corridors of power to the bowels of the underworld, and along the way they gain terrifying insights into who really controls the city: the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign!

Milton Drac, Freeport’s Sea Lord, hides his affiliation with the Brotherhood behind a veneer of respectability and executes his sinister plans via a network of ignorant flunkies. Since taking the position of Sea Lord after Anton Drac’s assassination, Milton Drac has used his power to push through the lighthouse project, nearly bankrupting the city to fund the construction of a new “world wonder.” What no one yet realizes is that the lighthouse’s construction is a crucial component in a horrific plot to summon forth the Unspeakable One.

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