
Shadow of the Demon Lord Player’s Guide

Player's Guide | Shadow of the Demon Lord RPGSometimes the world needs heroes, but sometimes, the world takes anyone it can get. Whether you’re playing an unhinged wizard armed with dark magic or a valiant champion fighting in the name of the New God, a shifty-eyed changeling, or a malicious goblin, in these dark times, all must come together if the Demon Lord would be stopped. Now is your time to make a difference, to take a stand against the demon, the cultist, the monster, and the chaos. It falls to you and a group of mismatched others to do your part to save the world.

Drawn from the pages of Shadow of the Demon Lord, the Player’s Guide includes everything you need to create and play a character in a world gone mad. Inside you’ll find:

  • Complete character creation rules letting you choose from humans, changelings, clockworks, dwarfs, and orcs, along with numerous tables to help you create interesting characters in little to no time at all.
  • All the rules you need to know in order to fight the shadow and stay alive.
  • Advancement options for novice, expert, and master characters.
  • Pages of gear covering everything from weapons to incantations.
  • 330 spells divided between 30 traditions of magic.

The Demon Lord’s shadow creeps across the world, sparking war, upheaval, and chaos. Now is the time for heroes to seize their destinies, villains to accomplish their despicable goals, and everyone else to fight for their survival. In this game, you and your friends can tells stories about thwarting the plots of insane cultists, hunting down and destroying bizarre demons, uncovering lost lands, investigation weird mysteries, and more. You just need your imagination!

You can buy the Player’s Guide in Print or PDF from DriveThruRPG!