Book of Salvation: Paragons of Virtue
A Blackstar supplement designed to give the most virtuous characters an edge in the battle against darkness. For use with Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG
Paragons of Virtue: Eudaemons of Urth
Book of Salvation: Paragons of Virtue explores the metaphysical concepts underpinning the reality in which Urth finds itself and how ideas about virtue manifest as forces for goodness in the world. In particular, the following pages detail the four eudaemons, supernatural entities that incarnate the four fundamental virtues: Prudence, Temperance, Courage, and Justice. While not gods themselves, these entities can manifest in multiple places at once to watch over and protect those living in accordance with the ideals these entities embody. Thus, a mortal who worships the New God could earn the guardianship of Prudence after repeated demonstrations of identifying proper action and taking it. Similarly, a rogue who brings justice to lawbreakers might gain attention from the eudaemon of Justice. This supplement gives the most virtuous characters an edge in the battle against the darkness enveloping the world.