City of Gods: Lands in Shadow
City of Gods: Lands in Shadow for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

The faithful gather in Set from everywhere. Deemed the holiest city in the Known World, here people of all religions and beliefs are free to honor their own gods and practice their various religions, whatever those might be. One can find black-frocked cultists of the New God arguing with peddlers of small gods on a street corner, while a hoary old druid wanders past, followed by a veritable menagerie of animals large and small. Devil worshipers brazenly advertise their devotion, while mad cultists of alien powers shriek and gibber from the rooftops, hoping to call forth their masters from the darkness between the stars.
City of Gods reveals the secrets of Set, one of the Nine Cities of the Confederacy standing along Rûl’s eastern shores. The tolerance Set shows to the faithful might be wondrous, but it also invites trouble: among the devotees of the greater and lesser gods are some who pledge their souls to darker powers. Whether you plan to have your characters visit Set in an adventure or use it as the backdrop for an entire campaign, City of Gods gives you everything you need to bring the community and its people to life in your Shadow of the Demon Lord games!
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