
Wee Folk: Monstrous Pages

Wee Folk: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Wee Folk: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon LordFaeries come in all shapes and sizes, with dispositions that cover the spectrum from friendly to malicious. Best known are the dreaded hags nursing their spite and bitterness in seclusion, the magnificent lords and ladies of the hidden kingdoms, and cruel harpies and dreaded sirens who lure people to their dooms, but their ranks also include a raft of lesser beings of wildly varied form and capability. These minor faeries, sometimes called wee folk, might lend aid to mortals, performing chores and easing suffering in exchange for small gifts and favors. Others are as cruel and malicious as the wickedest devil, and take special pleasure in tormenting the hated mortals on the edges of settled lands. Who can know the minds of these immortals and the whys and hows behind what they do?

Wee Folk examines an assortment of minor faeries found in the hidden kingdoms and the mortal world to shed light on their strangeness, danger, and unpredictability. This supplement also revisits several faeries described in Shadow and other sourcebooks.

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