Last week, I showed off the anatomy of the round and how turn order works. This week, I’m going to talk about what you can do when you take a turn.
“Action Economy” describes what you can do on your turn. Older RPGs were a bit fuzzy about the action economy, and the games often relied on the Game Master’s discretion about how long a described activity might take. For example, one player might describe his character drawing a sword, opening a door, running 20 yards across a room, attacking two orcs, and then scrambling up the dais to take a defensive position. Without clear limits on what a character can do, the GM is left to interpret how much of the description can occur in one time increment—round, turns, or whatever.
Drawing a sword doesn’t take much time and neither does opening the door, assuming the door is unlocked and not stuck. Running across the room, especially at that distance, takes time as does making attacks, and taking the defensive position. A GM might allow everything the player describes to happen during a turn, while a stingier GM might limit the activity to drawing the sword and opening the door. It all depends on style, temperament, and interpretation.
As with other RPGs, combat (and other instances where precise time-keeping is needed) in Shadow of the Demon Lord unfolds over a series of 10-second rounds. Rather than assign a quantity of seconds to a selection of tasks, the game abstracts the concept of time and effort into a form of currency called actions. When you would do something, you use (spend) the action to do so.
The number of actions you can spend during a round depends on when you choose to take your turn. If you would go first by taking a fast turn, the game assumes you spend extra effort to act before you opponents, so you can only use just one action. If you give your opponents the chance to go first by taking a slow turn, you can convert that extra effort into an additional action, letting you use up to two actions instead of one.
Not all actions are equal when it comes to effort. Opening a door takes a little, while attacking an enemy with a sword takes a lot. To control the number of high-effort actions in the game, actions come in three broad types: Complex, Simple, and Extra.
Complex Actions
Activities that require a great deal of focus and effort use a complexaction. You can only use one complex action per round. If you take a fast turn, the one action you use can be a complex action. If you take a slow turn, only one of the two actions you may use can be a complex action.
Some example activities you use a complex action to perform include attacking with a weapon, casting a spell, concentrate on an ongoing magical effect, or run a great distance. Many complex actions require a roll of a d20 to determine if the activity happens or not.
Simple Actions
Activities that do not require much time or much effort use a simple action. Unlike complex actions, you can use as many simple actions as you like based on when you take your turn. Taking a fast turn lets you use just one action, either a complex or simple action. On a slow turn, one or both of the actions you use can be simple.
You might use a simple action to advance on an enemy combatant, retrieve something from your backpack, drink a healing potion, cast a spell with a simple action casting time, reload a crossbow or pistol, stand up from prone, mount or dismount a steed, and so on. Where complex actions often require rolls, simple actions usually do not.
Talents awarded to characters in higher-level groups allow certain activities that once used a complex action to be performed using a simple action. For instance, at level 5, all warriors can make attacks with weapons using a simple action. This lets a warrior attack twice during a slow turn.
Extra Actions
You may only use complex and simple actions when you take your turn. Sometimes, you may be able to act outside your turn and when you do you use an extra action. Any activity that uses an extra action has a trigger, an event that specifies when you can use the extra action. For example, when a creature moves beyond your character’s reach, you may use an extra action to make a free attack against that creature using a melee weapon you are wielding. Alternatively, when it is your turn, you may use an extra action to perform a minor activity such as drawing a weapon, opening a door, standing up from prone, and so on. Spells and talents expand your options for using extra actions. Regardless of how many opportunities you have for using extra actions, you may only use one extra action per round.
Actions in Action
Here’s an example of how a round of combat might unfold. Dan’s the Game Master and the 2nd-level group consists of characters played by Joe, Bobby, Mindy, and Stacee. Joe plays an orc warrior, Bobby an elf magician, Mindy a human rogue, and Stacee a human priest. The characters have been tracking a band of cultists across the countryside and finally corner them in a burned out shell of a tower. The group rushes inside to fight them.
Dan (the GM): One cultist stands behind a bloody altar made from bones. Three more stand with swords drawn, faces inscrutable behind masks made to look like baby faces. What do you do?
Since no one was surprised, the first round begins with fast turns. Any players that want to may take fast turns. They resolve their turns in any order and may use one action (either complex or simple) on their turns.
Joe (Orc Warrior):Death to my enemies! I charge the closest enemy.
Joe opts to take a fast turn. He wants to attack one of the enemy soldiers, so he uses a complex action to attack with a melee weapon. Since he’s moving as part of the attack (using the charge option, more on this next time, he gets to move up to his Speed before he makes the attack roll), he has a complication for his attack roll. But Joe’s playing a warrior, so he has an asset for all attack rolls made using weapons. The asset from his path cancels out the complication from the charge.
Joe: (Joe rolls a d20). I got a 12 on the die and I have a +3 bonus from my Strength. That’s a 15.
GM: Success! Damage?
A battle axe normally deals 1d6 + 2 damage. Warriors at level 2 deal 1d6 extra damage with their weapon attacks, so Joe’s successful attack deals 2d6 + 2 damage.
Joe: 12 damage!
GM: Good hit. He’s injured but still standing. Anyone else want to go?
Bobby (Elf Magician):Yessir. I cast mystic darts. I’m going to send two darts at the cultist Joe attacked and the last one at the guy behind the altar. (Bobby rolls damage for each dart.) I rolled a 4 and a 6 for the first guy and just 2 for the other. So, 10 damage to Joe’s target and 2 to the other.
Mystic darts, a Wizardry spell, has a complex action casting time. It creates three magical darts that automatically strike their targets. Each missile deals 1d6 damage.
GM: The two darts blow apart Joe’s target. The cultist drops dead to the ground and promptly voids his bowels. The last dart just clips the cultist. Mindy? Stacee?
Mindy (Human Rogue):I’m taking a slow turn.
Stacee (Human Priest): Me too.
GM: OK. It’s my turn. The cultist behind the altar will be taking a slow turn. The other two cultists charge Joe and attack with their swords. One gets a failure and the other gets a success. Joe, the cultist stabs you in the arm. Take 5 damage.
Joe: Grrr.
GM: That’s it for me.
Stacee: I’ll go. First, I’m going to cast prayer to help Mindy and then I’ll charge the cultist that attacked Joe.
As a priest, Stacee has the prayer spell. She can cast it using a simple action and chooses one creature within short range (20 yards). The target has an asset for the next roll it makes before the end of the round. Stacee then uses a complex action to attack one of the cultists. She gets there by using the charge option, which lets her move up to her Speed before making the attack.
GM: Sounds good to me. Roll to attack, please.
Stacee makes an attack roll against the target’s Armor Rating with her mace. She has a complication for her roll because she charged.
Stacee: Damn. I rolled a 5 and my complication dropped it by another 3.
GM: Ouch. Definitely a failure. Mindy?
Mindy: I’m going to move around the edge of the room and stick that cultist behind the altar with my short sword.
Mindy uses a simple action to advance on the cultist and uses a complex action to attack it.
GM: OK. You move around the fighting and close on the last cultist. Roll, but don’t forget the asset from Stacee’s prayer spell.
Mindy: Right. I’m also using my Trickery talent to get the extra asset too. I got an 18. Did I hit?
Mindy rolls a d20 to attack with her weapon. She has two assets for her attack roll, one from Stacee’s prayer spell and the other from her own Trickery talent, which gives her an asset to any one action roll, attack roll, or reaction roll (all rolls of a d20) each round. She will add only the highest number from all the assets she rolls. Mindy rolls a 9 on the die, a 6 and a 2 on her assets, and adds +3 from her Agility. The total of her roll is 18 (9 + 6 + 3).
GM: Yes ma’am.
Mindy: Crap. Just 2 damage.
GM: Check. OK. The last cultist takes his turn. He withdraws from you and casts fire blast. Flames rush out from his hands, filling a 3-yard long, cone-shaped area. Everything in the area takes 11 damage from the fire. Mindy, roll Agility to try to halve this damage.
The last cultist takes a slow turn. He uses a simple action to withdraw, which lets him move 1 yard without triggering free attacks. The fire blast spell has a casting time of complex action and deals 3d6 damage to everything in the area. Any creature in the area may make an Agility reaction roll. On a success, the creature takes half the damage instead. The number one needs to equal or beat on an action roll or reaction roll is always 10.
Mindy: Ouch! I rolled and got a 13, so I take half damage. That’s good news since I still have damage from that fight with the ogre.
GM: We’re at the end of the round. Nothing special happens here this time. OK. Who wants to take a turn?
After the end of the round, the next round begins starting with fast turns.
Magic of the Demon Lord
Happy Holidays!
For this week, I have decided to show off a great piece of art by Ivan Dixon created for Shadow of the Demon Lord. The scene takes place in the heights of the Shield Mountains and features a couple of characters making their last stand against the orcs hunting them.
With the holidays being bullies and sucking all the air out of the room, this will be my final blog post for the year. I’ll be back in January to show off more of the game, including a look at how magic works, sample creatures, example paths, more art, treasures, and more. Thanks for reading and thanks even more for your continued support! Spring is just around the corner and with it comes the Demon Lord.
Demon Lord: Stunts and Maneuvers
Demon Lord Action Economy
Demon Lord: Who Goes When?