Night Terrors

Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Night Terrors: Monstrous Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

The lands teem with nasty things that have grown bolder in these troubling times…

Night Terrors presents a collection of nasty monsters for use in your Shadow of the Demon Lord games. All drawn from legends, these creatures possess unsettling capabilities that make them a perfect fit for horror fantasy adventures.

When the bloodsucking giants descended from the mountains to either side of the Arrach Dell, the wise people fled and the rest vanished, leaving their squalid hamlets empty, abandoned, and all too quiet. The last person to try to stake a claim on the Old Marsh Tower was never seen again, though his unsettled henchmen reported hearing strange flapping sounds from the upper chambers. And who could forget the headless horseman whose steed carries him riding through the fields of Low Country, snatching up the fools who dare venture out at night? The lands teem with nasty things, things that have grown bolder in these troubling times.