
Weird Tales: Let’s Make A Character

For today’s installment of Weird Tales, let’s dive right in and create a character for Shadow of the Weird Wizard. You make a character by making four big choices: attributes, ancestry, background, and identity. Here we go!


Strength, Agility, Intellect, and Will provide the foundation of your character and describe areas in which you excel and those in which you don’t. Each attribute has a score, a number from 1 to 20, and a modifier, the score minus ten. The character creation includes a short table with four arrays. You can choose an array on your own or roll a d20 to randomize which array you take. I’m going to just choose 12 (+2), 11 (+1), 10 (+0), and 9 (–1) and assign them, in order, to Strength, Agility, Intellect, and Will.

I also have a Defense, Damage Dice, and Level. This is a starting character, so I’m level 1/2. That might seem like a strange number, but the game uses level for creatures too and creatures can be level 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, and so on. Level 0 indicates a non-combatant.

All characters start with 1d6 in their Damage Dice. Whenever you successfully attack, you roll all your Damage Dice and apply the total as damage to the target. As you gain levels, your Damage Dice go up and you might also be able to divide them into multiple attacks. More on that later.

My Defense equals my Agility score. If my character picks up armored clothing, this number gets a bit higher. So anyway, here’s what we have so far:

Bob the Adventurer

Level 1/2

Strength 12 (+2)

Agility 11 (+1)             Defense 11

Intellect 10 (+0)        Damage Dice 1d6

Will 9 (–1)


The next step is to pick or randomly determine my character’s ancestry. Right now, I’ve designed 20 ancestries that include a mix of the expected folks and a few surprises. Ancestries tell you what you look like, give you a couple of traits, determine your Health and Size, and give you one or more language skills. Since I’m feeling cheeky, I’m going to make an orc. Here’s the unedited entry:


Many orcs live in extended tribes controlled by religious leaders in the most desolate places in the wilderness. Orcs have fought with other peoples at many times over the years, warring over resources, territory, and insults, real or imagined, and their natural strength and ferocious manner of fighting has earned them their dangerous reputation. Orcs by nature are much like anyone else, but their religious leaders have great influence over them and preach violence and ruin as the paths to salvation. Many tribes come under this dread influence and commit untold atrocities in the name of their dark masters. Orcs freed from the religious tyranny can and do pursue other paths than wanton violence, but the people who speak on behalf of their gods goad them to ever more outrageous acts.

As an orc, you stand 6 feet tall or taller and weigh 200 to 300 pounds. You have brutish features, with a pronounced bone ridge above your eyes, a wide mouth, and overlarge incisors that might be large enough to consider tusks. Many orcs have olive, green, or gray skin, and dark hair, but any coloration is possible.

Health 13; Size 1

Language Skill Orcish.

Night Vision You ignore obscurement caused by shadows.

Sunlight Weakness You are impaired while in areas lit by sunlight.


Now that I have chosen my ancestry, here’s what my character looks like now:

Bob the Adventurer

Level 1/2 Ancestry Orc

Strength 12 (+2)         Health 13

Agility 11 (+1)             Defense 11

Intellect 10 (+0)          Damage Dice 1d6

Will 9 (–1)                   Size 1

Skills Orcish

Traits Night Vision, Sunlight Weakness


WW includes ten broadly conceived backgrounds to explain your “story so far.” Background gives you your skills and your starting equipment. I think Bob the Adventurer will have an academic background. Unedited text as follows:


The mentor who took you under his or her wing opened your mind to the great truths of the world. You studied literature, science, maybe even magic. Your education could have been informal, having a tutor guide your education, or you might have attended one of the great institutions of learning. Thanks to your studies, you know a great deal about many different subjects.

Skills: Learn four skills chosen from the Language or Lore categories.

Starting Equipment: A set of scholar’s clothes, a quarterstaff, knife, backpack, canteen, 3 days of rations, tinderbox, 5 torches, and a writing kit.

I get to choose four skills. Most skills have no mechanics attached to them; they merely describe things you know how to do. Skills subdivide into Armor Skills, Language Skills, Lore Skills, and Weapon Skills. Bob needs to chat up his friends, so I take Common for one skill. I want Bob to be an adventuring archeologist, so I’ll pick up Ancient History and Folklore. And, just for kicks, lets add Carousing. Here’s where we are now:

Bob the Adventurer

Level 1/2 Ancestry Orc Background Academic

Strength 12 (+2)         Health 13

Agility 11 (+1)             Defense 11

Intellect 10 (+0)          Damage Dice 1d6

Will 9 (–1)                   Size 1

Skills Common, Orcish; Ancient History, Carousing, Folklore

Traits Night Vision, Sunlight Weakness

Equipment Scholar’s clothes, quarterstaff, knife, backpack, canteen, 3 days of rations, tinderbox, 5 torches, and a writing kit.


The identity section gives you a set of tables to help you realize the character you want to play. Tables cover appearance, homeland, personality, outlook, empathy, morality, dependability, relationships with other characters, and religious beliefs. After considering the tables within we’re ready for Bob to go on his first adventure!

Bob the Adventurer

Level 1/2 Ancestry Orc Background Academic

Strength 12 (+2)         Health 13

Agility 11 (+1)             Defense 11

Intellect 10 (+0)          Damage Dice 1d6

Will 9 (–1)                   Size 1

Skills Common, Orcish, Wildspeak; Ancient History, Carousing, Folklore

Traits Night Vision, Sunlight Weakness

Equipment Scholar’s clothes, quarterstaff, knife, backpack, canteen, 3 days of rations, tinderbox, 5 torches, and a writing kit.

Roleplaying Bob is a tall and thin adult orc, who looks pretty normal. He comes from the wilderness (which adds Wildspeak to his list of languages). He doesn’t like crowds, he tends to roll with the punches, he connects with other people, but he doesn’t like to help others unless he has to. He’s good about doing what he says he’ll do. He’s a member of the Church of the High One.