White Out

An Expert Adventure for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

White Out: An Expert Adventure for Shadow of the Demon Lord

White Out: An Expert Adventure for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

Ask anyone who travels the lands and waters around Rûl’s southern reaches and they’ll tell you there’s not much to see, unless you have a hankering for snow, ice, the occasional walrus, and more penguins than you know what to do with. People live here, naturally, and what passes for civilization in these parts can be found in the war-torn battlefields of the Patchwork Lands and, perhaps, in the Kingdom of Skulls to the east, but the road to real civilization, Blötland, passes through a particularly harrowing stretch known as the Blasted Lands. And here, in this windswept, blasted expanse does the group find itself hunkered down and waiting for a nasty to storm to blow itself out before they resume their march to wherever it was that they were going.

White Out presents a challenging adventure for a group of expert characters trapped in a dangerous place where they must wait out a blizzard. The adventure ends when the storm abates, preferably with the various mysteries solved and the threat hidden among them and the other survivors neutralized. Although set in the Blasted Lands, you can adapt this adventure for any setting during a harsh winter season.