Paths of Science

Paths of Shadow for Shadow of the Demon Lord

Paths of Science | Paths of Shadow for Shadow of the Demon Lord RPG

Seize the power of science to confront the terrors of the Void!

Even with all the fear and uncertainty surrounding the future, innovators in Lij and elsewhere in the lands of Rûl take bold steps to advance technological understanding. From engineering to chemistry, medicine, and more, brilliant minds have unearthed new techniques to improve the lives of their fellow peoples and, unfortunately, to end them as well. Magic’s hold on what is possible and not has begun to relax as scientific discoveries provide superior and more reliable alternatives.

Paths of Science adds new expert paths for characters ready to embark on scientific careers, such as a plague doctor, a maker of monsters, or even a reanimator. It also expands on the options for rogues with a set of new roguery talents that exploit scientific discovery.

But it in PDF today: Paths of Science on DriveThruRPG!